González Leonardo, Miguel
Correo electrónico: miguel.gonzalez@colmex.mx
Teléfono: +(52) 55 5449 3000
Extensión: 5546
Área de especialización: Área de Demografía y Estudios de Población
Línea de especialización: Trabajo y movilidad territorial
Líneas de investigación: Movilidad humana -- Migraciones internas -- Migraciones internacionales -- Cambio poblacional a nivel subnacional -- Despoblación
Publicaciones destacadas y recientes
- González-Leonardo M., Neville, R., Gil-Clavel, S., & Rowe, F. (2024). Where have Ukrainian refugees gone? Identifying potential settlement areas across European regions integrating digital and traditional geographic data. Population, Space and Place, 30(8), 2790e.
- González-Leonardo M., Rowe, F. Potančoková, M., & Goujon, A. (2024). Assessing the Differentiated Impacts of COVID-19 on the Immigration Flows to Europe. International Migration Review.
- González-Leonardo, M., Newsham, N., & Rowe, F. (2023). Understanding population decline trajectories in Spain using sequence analysis. Geographical Analysis, 55(4), 495–516.
- González-Leonardo, M., & Spijker, J. (2023). The impact of Covid-19 on demographic components in Spain (2020-2031): A scenario approach. Population Studies, 77(3), 497–513.
- Rowe, F., González-Leonardo, M., & Champion, T. (2023). Virtual special issue: Internal migration in times of COVID. Population, Space and Place, 28(7), e2652.
- González-Leonardo, M., Potančoková, M., Yildiz, D., & Rowe, F. (2023) Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on immigration in receiving high-income countries, PLoS ONE, 18(1), e0280324.
- Marois, G., Potančoková, M., & González-Leonardo, M. (2023). Demographic and labor force impacts of future immigration flows into Europe: does an immigrant’s region of origin matter? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(957), 1-10.
- González-Leonardo, M., Rowe, F., & Fresolone-Caparrón, A. (2022). Rural revival? The rise in internal migration to rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Who moved and where? Journal of Rural Studies, 96, 332-342.
- González-Leonardo, M., López-Gay, A., Newsham N., Recaño, J., & Rowe, F. (2022). Understanding Patterns of Internal Migration During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain. Population, Space and Place, 28(6), e25788.
- González-Leonardo, M., Bernard, A., García-Román, J., & López-Gay, A. (2022). Educational selectivity of native and foreign-born internal migrants in Europe. Demographic Research, 47(34), 1033-1046.
- González-Leonardo, M., López-Gay, A., & Esteve, A. (2022) Interregional migration of human capital in Spain. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 9(1), 324-342.