Trajectories of Social-Ecological Systems in Latin American Watersheds (TRASSE)
General schedule

International workshops
First phase 2018
February 19 - 21

JUNE 25 - 29
Second phase 2019
MAY 27 – 30
Medellín, Colombia
On 27-30 May 2019, the international project team met in person (27-28 May at the University of Antioquia and 29-30 May at the National University of Colombia, Medellin)in which the research teams from the three countries of the project participated: France, Colombia and Mexico. A total of 17 members of the project attended, and activities were developed, such as the presentation of advances in the analysis of trajectories of socio-ecological systems in the case studies, methodological discussions and planning. Additionally, the field trip was held to know the study site in the Rio Grande basin, Antioquia, Colombia. The main focus of this meeting was the definition of cross-cutting research questions and the scheduling of international virtual meetings in order to advance cross-cutting analyses.
In this way, five virtual meetings were held throughout 2019 to review the progress of the project and to plan transversal research activities by working groups: Governance and Livelihoods, Ecosystem Services and Land Use Change, and Modeling.
Third phase 2020-2022
Virtual international meetings
- 4th International Workshop 2-4 November 2020 [ZOOM platform]. Objective: to present and discuss progress in the studies within WP1-5 among all the project work teams in Mexico, Colombia and France; to discuss the methodological strategies to be followed and activities to be developed. 9 assistants of the project.
- International meeting on 1 March 2021 [ZOOM platform]. Objective: to discuss among the project coordinators of the three countries the strategies to be followed for the development of their last stage and planning of activities, seminars, exchanges, etc. Among the working groups of France, Colombia and Mexico. Assistants: 5 international project coordinators.
- International meeting on 3 March 2021 [ZOOM platform]. Objective: to discuss the theoretical and methodological visions for the study of socio-ecological trajectories at the basin level, with the exchange of experiences of colleagues from France, Colombia and Mexico. 10 assistants of the project.
- International meeting on 8 April 2021 [ZOOM platform]. Objective: to discuss methodological approaches for the study of hydrological and carbon capture ecosystem services, as part of socio-ecological trajectories at the basin level, with the exchange of experiences of colleagues from France, Colombia and Mexico. 12 assistants of the project.
- 5th International Workshop on 28 October and 4 November 2021 [ZOOM platform]. Objective: to present and discuss the results achieved at WP1-5 among all the project teams in Mexico, Colombia and France; to discuss the methodological strategies to be followed and dissemination activities to be developed. 11 project assistants.
International face-to-face meeting
5th International meeting of the TRASSE-ANR-CONACYT project 17-21 January 2022 [Hotel Villa Blanca, Huatulco, Mexico]. Objective: to present and deepen the research advances and theoretical methodological approaches of all the study sites of the project; to advance in the writing of a manuscript that integrates the approaches and results of the study sites; know the territory of studies in the Copalita River basin; review possibilities for longer-term collaboration. Assistants: Mauricio Galena (CentroGeo); Juan Manuel Nuñez (IBERO); María Perevochtchikova (COLMEX); Driss Ezzine (CIRAD); Bruno Locatelli (CIRAD); Clara Villegas (UNAL); Juan Camilo Villegas (UNAL); Lina Berrouet (UAntioquia); Colmex (V. Sophie Ávila (UNAM); Pierre Mokondoko (UNAM); Alejandra Ramírez (UNAM); Ángel Merlo (UNAM); and Faustino Gómez (COLMEX), among others online intermittently [ZOOM platform], in relation to the topics presented.
National workshops
First phase 2018
Medellín, Colombia

CDMX, Mexico

Second phase 2019
On March 27, 2019, the second national working meeting of the Mexican team was held at the facilities of the Economic Research Institute, UNAM, with the attendance of 43 people (among the researchers and students of COLMEX and UNAM, representatives of CORENADR-SEDEMA, CentroGEO, the organization GAIA of Oaxaca and the community members of San Miguel and Santo Tomás Ajusco and the community of Magdalena Contreras, Mexico City). This meeting reviewed the progress of the analysis of Governance, Ecosystem Services and Land Use Change in the two study sites in Mexico (the Copalita River basin in the state of Oaxaca and four micro-basins in the Mexico City Conservation Soil, CMDX). As the main outcome of the meeting, cross-cutting research points were identified in the two case studies (Sustainable livelihoods, climate change resilience, co-production of ecosystem services, modeling of water ecosystem services); differential aspects (such as productive activities, more focused on coffee in Oaxaca and the service sector in the CDMX); and drivers of land use change (related to deforestation in the CDMX and shade coffee plantations in Oaxaca). On the other hand, the commitment of collaborative work between the members of the project from the academy, government institutions, civil society and communities in the study areas was reaffirmed.
For the development of the project it was necessary to hold several methodological meetings during 2019 for the development of the WP2 and WP3:
For the development of the project it was necessary to hold several methodological meetings during 2019 for the development of the WP2 and WP3:
- The meeting of January 28, 2019, with the objectives of: a) To report on the progress made for the case study in the Copalita River basin, b) To shape the calendar of activities for the 2nd stage. It was attended by 7 people from WP2 and WP3 (researchers and students).
- The meeting of February 13, 2019, with the objectives of: a) Present the information available at the plot and producer level (WP2), b) Define the analysis of the Copalita River Basin, instead of land use and ecosystem services (based on the information presented), c) Define upcoming activities and dates for field trips to the study area in Oaxaca. It was attended by 7 people (researchers and students).
- The meeting of 4 March 2019, which took place at the UNAM Economic Research Institute (with 9 participants), with the purpose of addressing the issue of governance and its modalities (WP2). The internal and external links of the different actors identified in the Copalita River basin were also discussed.
- The meeting of 20 March 2019, which took place at the UNAM Economic Research Institute (with 8 participants), with the purpose of discussing the modalities of governance by productive system (WP2)based on information provided by SICOBI, Oaxaca.
- The meeting of the WP3 working group on Ecosystem Services and Land Use Change, which took place on March 13, 2019 in El Colegio de México A.C. (with 7 members present), with the purpose of developing the strategy of the study of water ecosystem services and organic carbon in soil and carbon stored in biomass (based on documentary analysis and fieldwork).
- The meeting of the WP2 Governance group, held on August 21, 2019, at the facilities of IIEc-UNAM (with 9 participants), with the aim of reviewing progress on the theme of Governance and Resilience based on the analysis of social networks.
In terms of intersectoral collaboration and with communities in the study areas, and dissemination of project activities and results, several activities were carried out:
Two training workshops on participatory environmental monitoring with the participation of academic representatives from the TRASSE project, CORENADR-SEDEMA, the Magdalena Contreras Mayor’s Office and the communities of San Miguel and Santo Tomás Ajusco, and Magdalena Contreras, CDMX:
- On February 19, 2019, in El Colegio de México, with the participation of 43 people, for purposes of discussion of available techniques and the needs of participatory environmental monitoring (water, soil and biodiversity) in the Soil Conservation Commission of the CDMX;
- From 29-31 July to 1 August 2019, with 50 participants (communities, mayors' offices, CORENADR-SEDEMA and communities), during which training in participatory environmental monitoring techniques (water, soil and biodiversity) was developed for two days in the facilities of El Colegio de México and for another two days the empirical learning in the field of these monitoring techniques was carried out in the territory of the community of Magdalena Contreras, CDMX.
- Seminar on "Socio-ecological Connectivity of the Copalita Coastal Basin", in collaboration with Conservation International, held in Huatulco on October 24, 2019, with the participation of 24 people from local government, civil society and academia.
- Seminar "Towards sustainable food production: socio-economic assessment of land degradation. Challenges and opportunities", held at the UNAM Economic Research Institute on November 4, 2019, in collaboration with SADER and GIZ (with assistance of 25 people).
- Presentation of the progress and partial results of the TRASS project in the CDMX study area, carried out in the community of San Miguel and Santo Tomás Ajusco on September 14, 2019, with the participation of 74 people among the members of the TRASSE project and the community brigades of the CDMX communities.
Third phase 2020-2022
Virtual international meetings
- TRASSE-CDMX meeting on 20 October 2020 [Platform: Bluejeans]. Objective: to review the results of a study of socio-ecological trajectories in the micro-basins of the Conservation Soil of Mexico City; to agree on a programme of presentation of results at the dissemination seminar to be held in November 2021 via the ZOOM platform; and establish delivery dates for book chapter writing that integrates the results of the project in Mexico City (book later delivered 8 April 2022 to the publisher of the CEDUA). 10 assistants of the project.
- TRASSE-CDMX meeting 8 October 2021 [Platform: ZOOM]. Objective: to carry out Cytoscape workshop for learning the tool for the construction and analysis of social networks. 6 assistants of the project.
International face-to-face meeting
- TRASSE-CDMX meeting 24 January 2020 [Sala Gustavo Cabrera, CEDUA-COLMEX]. Objective: to review progress in the development of the TRASSE-CDMX project (2nd stage, 2019); to determine pressure factors for the development of trend analysis and future scenarios of land use change, and to plan academic activities, dissemination and dissemination to be carried out in 2020-2021 (3rd stage of the project). 15 project assistants.