Trajectories of Social-Ecological Systems in Latin American Watersheds (TRASSE)
International coordination
Driss Ezzine-de-Blas. CIRAD-FORETS
Mexican scientifics and administrative coordinator
Maria Perevochtchikova. EL COLMEX
Sophie Avila-Foucat. UNAM-IIEC
Executive board
Driss Ezzine-de-Blas. CIRAD-FORETS
Maria Perevochtchikova. EL COLMEX
Working Package 2 Leaders
Jean François Le Coq. CIRAD-ARTDEV
Sophie Avila-Foucat. UNAM-IIEC
Working Package 3 Leaders
Bruno Locatelli. CIRAD-FORETS
Johan Oszwald. U. de Rennes
Working Package 4 Leaders
Sandra Lavorel. U. Grenoble Alpes
Working Package 5 Leaders
Driss Ezzine-de-Blas. CIRAD-FORETS
Bruno Locatelli. CIRAD-FORETS
National coordination
Mexican representative
Maria Perevochtchikova. EL COLMEX
Sophie Avila-Foucat. UNAM-IIEC
Colombian representative
Clara Ines Villegas. U. Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín
French representative
Johan Oszwald. U. de Rennes
Sandra Lavorel. U. de Grenoble Alpes
French team

Jean François Le Coq (senior scientist with CIRAD) is interested in the study of governance dynamics, rules and multi-actor alliances for the implementation of conservation and development policies in rural areas of tropical Latin America. Involved in WP1, WP2 and WP4.

Bruno Locatelli (senior scientist with CIRAD, CIFOR, University of Montpellier). Interested in ecosystem services and climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions, and transformative adaptation. Involved in TRASSE in WP3 (Analysis of ecosystem services transitions) and also in other WPs.

Johan Oszwald (senior scientist based at the University of Rennes 2) is geographer. His research focuses in the analysis of spatiotemporal data in forest-agriculture landscape and he is interested in the mapping and spatialization of ecosystem services. Involved in WP3.

Samuel Corgne is geographer and senior scientist with University of Rennes 2. He is interested in the study of agro and ecosystems by optical and radar remote sensing and involved in WP3.


Nicolas Elleaume (PhD student works in the Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine of Grenoble Alpes University, under the direction of Sandra Lavorel, Bruno Locatelli and Johan Oszwald). He works on the climate change adaptation of the Maurienne valley, involved in the understanding of the past land use transitions within the landscape as well as in the ecosystem services modelling. The PhD is co-financed by the ANR TRASSE and the CDP Trajectories from Grenoble University.

Julia Grosinger (Phd student) based in the Laboratoire d’ecologie Alpine LECA and the social science research centre PACTE of Grenoble Alpes University under the direction of Nicolas Buclet and Sandra Lavorel. She is particularly interested in the co-production of Nature’s contribution to people (NCP) and associated actors’ dynamics. Like Nicolas Elleaume her research terrain is the Maurienne valley in the Northern French Alpes. The Phd is financed by the CDP Trajectories from Grenoble Alpes University.

Mexican team

Sophie Avila-Foucat is a professor-researcher based at IIEc-UNAM and her research topics relate to the fields of ecological economics, rural diversification of income, social-ecological systems and resilience. She is particularly involved in WP2, but she is also responsible of the coordination of the Copalita study site.

Mauricio Galeana Pizaña is a professor-researcher based at CentroGeo and his area of expertise is in Geographic Information Systems, remote sensing and geostatistics applied to the study of forests, aerial biomass, family agriculture and land use change. He is involved in WP3 and WP4.

Jose-Alvaro Hernandez-Flores (senior researcher with COLMEX) is interested in the reproduction strategies of rural and peri-urban households, the process of urban expansion, food security and land conflicts and he is involved in WP5.

Arturo Ramos Bueno, Socio-spatial Analysis of Urban Water Demand for Integrated Management: case study of Mexico City. PhD in Geography 2017-2021, PG-UNAM.

Faustino Gómez Sántiz, Towards the sustainable management of forests on conservation land, Mexico City? Analysis of the operationalization of the concept of forest sustainability from the environmental public policy and community vision, 2000-2018. PhD in Urban and Environmental Studies 2017-2021, CEDUA-COLMEX.
Arcelia Amaranta Moreno Unda, Determination of the role of local governance in the trajectory of the agricultural-forestry border of two socio-ecosystems in Mexico. PhD in Sustainability 2016-2020, UNAM.
Francisco Almonacid, Determination of Ecosystem Service of Organic Carbon in Soil, in 4 micro-basins SC-CDMX. PhD in Sustainability Sciences 2018-2021, UNAM.
Juan Camilo Montaño Caro, Hydrogeological model of the southern zone of the Mexico Basin (MODFLOW modeling). MSc in Earth Sciences, UNAM, 2018-2020.
Gabriel Morales Martínez, Historical and prospective analysis of USV in 4 micro-basins of the SC-CDMX. MSc in Geomatics, CentroGeo, 2018-2020.

Gómez Tagle López Karol Marcela, Urban Climate Resilience. Theory in application. Case study in the Conservation Land of the CDMX. MSc in Urban Studies 2017-2019, CEDUA-COLMEX (concluded 13/07/2019).
Rigoberto Jaime Santiago Romero, Economic valuation of the co-production of forest ecosystem services in the southwest of the CDMX Conservation Area, using the experimental method of choice. MSc in Urban Studies 2017-2019, CEDUA-COLMEX (concluded 20/09/2019).
Luis Alejandro Uscanga Morales, From Payment for Hydrological Environmental Services to Concurrent Funds: the analysis of social perception in the community of San Antonio del Barrio, Oaxaca. MSc in Sustainability 2016-2018, UNAM (concluded 01/18/2019, honorable mention).
Nahum Elias Orocio Alcantara, Analysis of institutional development of forest surveillance in the Tlalpan city hall, CDMX, 2000-2020. MSc in Sustainability 2019-2021, UNAM (concluded 09/21/2021, honorable mention).

Federico Morales Barragán does research at the CEIICH-UNAM, his studies are related to regional economic development, cross-border cooperation, public policy networks, and institutional mechanisms for territorial planning. He participates in network analysis and governance dynamics. Involved in WP2.
Juan Manuel Núñez is professor and does research at the Iberoamericana University. His studies are focused on geomatics applied to the monitoring of forests and green areas; spatial analysis for the valuation of ecosystem services and urban remote sensing. He participates in the spatial-temporal modeling of land use and vegetation and he is involved in WP3 and WP4.
Uberto Salgado Nieto (researcher and professor at the IIEC-UNAM) does research focusing on sustainable diversification of the rural sector, migration and economic development. He participates in TRASSE in the analysis of migration, life strategies and their explanatory variables.
Carmen Maganda Ramírez (researcher at Inecol) is interested in the management of natural and strategic resources, sustainable development, society-nature relationship, transboundary waters and environmental security with a focus on political ecology. Involved in WP2 in the analysis of public policy coherence.
Harlan Koff is professor and does research at the University of Luxembourg. His studies focus on international development through the lens of policy coherence for sustainable development. Involved in WP2 in the analysis of public policy coherence for resilience.
Julia Ros Cuellar (PhD student at the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, University of Luxembourg) is interested in socio-ecological systems, resilience, policy coherence for development, payments for ecosystem services and migration using social network analysis. Involved in the analysis of public policy coherence (WP2).
Yvon Angulo Reyes is researcher at the IIS-UNAM and her studies focus on marginalization, social networks and public policies; and statistical analysis. She participates in the analysis of networks and governance (WP2).
Robert Manson (researcher at the Inecol) is interested in the effects of forest fragmentation on plant-animal interactions, the role of coffee agro-ecosystems in the conservation of the structure and functioning of the mesophilic mountain forest and valuation of the hydrological services provided by forests. Participates in the analysis of ecosystem services (carbon, water) and their relationship with land use change and climate change (WP3).
Pierre Mokondoko Delgadillo is postdoctoral researcher at the IIEc-UNAM, his participation is focused on the quantification of geophysical parameters for the modeling of potential changes in socio-ecological systems and the provision of ecosystem services (WP3 and WP4).
Ángel Merlo Galeazzi is PhD student in Sustainability Sciences (Inecol) and his studies are focused on the analysis of hydrological ecosystem services (WP3).
Alejandra Ramírez León is PhD student in Sustainability Sciences (Inecol). Her studies focus on the socio-ecological trajectory and governance analysis in productive coffee farming and she is involved in WP2.
Hilda Zamora Maldonado is PhD student in Sustainability Sciences (Inecol). She participates in the creation of the complex systems model.
Citlalin Martínez Córdova is MSc student in Energy and Environmental Policy and Management (IIEc-UNAM). She is involved in WP2 and interested in the analysis of public policy coherence.
Ulises Sánchez Guerrero is graduated in Economics with a specialty in microfinance, he is involved in the analysis of migration, life strategies and their determinants.
Colombian team
Clara Ines Villegas-Palacio is a senior researcher at the National University of Colombia - UNAL (Departamento de Geociencias y Medio Ambiente), Medellin. Her research focuses on policy instruments for environmental management, integrated valuation of environmental quality and vulnerability of socioecological systems. She's Colombian representative for the TRASSE project and also involved in the WPs.
Lina Berrouet hold a PhD in Hydraulic Resources Engineering and she does research at the University of Antioquia. Her research focuses on vulnerability and risk in socio-ecological systems, environmental management and evaluation and ecoystem services.
Juan Camilo Villegas currently works at the Facultad de Ingeniería, University of Antioquia. Juan does research in hydrology, ecology and environmental engineering.
Juan David Osorio conducts research on the economic and environmental effects of land uses at the University of Antioquia.
Linda Berrio is PhD student based at the National University of Colombia and she currently works on the dynamic modelling of socio-ecological systems.
Luisa Diez is PhD student based at the National University of Colombia and she currently works on the dynamic and spatial modelling of socio-ecological systems.
Andrea Suarez is MSc student at the National University of Colombia and she is particularly interested in the resilience of agroecosystems.
Cristina Vargas is MSc student at the National University of Colombia and she is particularly interested in the modelling of land use decision making.
Laura España is MSc student at the National University of Colombia and she is particularly interested in governance and land cover vegetation.
Laura Arango is MSc student at the National University of Colombia and she is particularly interested in the transition of ecosystem services.