A Migration System In The Making

Silvia Giorguli

Silvia Giorguli is currently President of El Colegio de México (Colmex). She joined the Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA), Colmex as a Professor in 2003. She served as Director of CEDUA from 2009 to 2015, and was president of the Mexican Society of Demography (SOMEDE) from 2011 to 2013. She founded and directed (2011-2014) Coyuntura Demográfica. Revista de los procesos demográficos en México hoy. Giorguli holds a BA in Sociology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a Masters degree in Demography from CEDUA-Colmex, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Brown University. She was Research Fellow (2007-2008) at the Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Science, Stanford University. Her research focuses on international migration from Mexico to the United States and its consequences on education and family formation on both sides of the border. She is also committed to understanding the transitions to adulthood in Latin America and the effects of the demographic change, particularly on educational issues. She is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, (Nivel 2). She is co-Director of the Mexican Migration Project (Princeton University, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Brown University).
Víctor M. García-Guerrero

Víctor M. García-Guerrero is Professor of the Center for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies at El Colegio de México (CEDUA-COLMEX), and National Researcher level 2 by the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. He holds a PhD in Population Studies by CEDUA-COLMEX; part of his PhD research was developed at the World Population Program in the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, he also attended some courses at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany. He also holds a BSc in Actuarial Science, an M.Eng. in Operations Research, and a diploma in Advanced Econometrics from UNAM. He was coordinator of the Masters Program in Demography at CEDUA- COLMEX, Assistant-Professor at the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences in Mexico, and lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences-UNAM and at the Technological Autonomous Institute of Mexico. He has been consultant in demographic methods for the National Population Council, the Mexican Association of Insurance’s Institutions, some banks, and insurance companies. His research topics are: formal demography and its applications, statistical, mathematical and computational modeling of demographic phenomena, demographic estimates and forecasting, and its use in decision making.
Claudia Masferrer

Claudia Masferrer is Professor at the Center for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies (CEDUA) at El Colegio de México and a faculty affiliate at McGill University. She holds a PhD in Sociology from McGill University, an MSc in Statistics from The University of Texas at Austin, and a BSc in Applied Mathematics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. In 2015 she was a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Urbanisation, Culture et Société. Her research focuses on the intersection of migration, family dynamics, and immigrant integration, and how policy mediates these processes. Her work centers on understanding North America as a region of emigration, immigration, transit, and return migration. She recently participated in the Binational dialogue on Mexican migrants in the United States and Mexico and is currently a member of the Central America – North America Migration Dialogue. Her scholarship has been published in Advances in Life Course Research; Population Research and Policy Review; Coyuntura Demográfica, and as policy briefs and book chapters in edited volumes. Beginning in 2017 she will be a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, (Nivel 1).